words to live by

I need to be reminded of this verse everyone once in a while...OK more like everyday... It's framed and in my closet. what a great reminder it is of where our salvation is found.
Hallelujah... Thank you Jesus!

"Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation." Psalm 146:3

Courtesy of Colin Bates and his facebook status

ruh roh

I'm sitting next to a pile of opened/discarded chocolate wrappers...
maybe the only reason I brave freezing weather to workout this time of year.

in case you haven't heard...

me: oh my goodness! taylor hanson and wife just had baby no. 4!
Ang: is that someone you know from highschool?
me: no I'm on people.com



Black Friday

Dear Economy,

You're welcome.


beyond disgusting...

I don't know if I made the point clear enough with my last blog posting about this, but I really can't handle roaches...
last night at 3:22am, one huge one flew into my face. Unknowingly and sleepily, I swatted it away at which he hit one of my shams and fell back behind my bed. oh you can bet I woke up pretty quickly when I heard that signature wing flapping noise.
I just about died.
then I literally had to stand next to my bed and wait for him to show up so I could end his life.
I can't fall asleep with a live roach on the loose! are you kidding me?!
Took a few minutes and he finally ran out towards me (why do they do that... jerks!!!).
I "killed" him three times with my shoe and then definitely killed him two more times.
Now he's just there on my carpet, and I'm waiting for Mitzi to wake up and escort him to the trash can. I've been through too much... I don't have the strength to deal with that crunchy noise.
oh sweet! she's awake... BYE!!

so funny

Got a little update for ya ags!

So my neighbor did eventually return home... It just happened to be a few days after I took the cat to the vet for excessive urination and weightloss. I wish I was making this up:P.
Turns out the cat has diabetes... and now needs insulin shots daily.

I once again took care of the cat just this past week (can you say sucker, folks?), and I had this little gem of a figurine waiting for me before my cat-sitting duties commenced...

At first glance, you might think, "how interesting? She's a fairy mermaid... you just don't see those around anymore. I think I saw one on Antique Road Show last month."
Then upon second look, you notice her missing appendage.
She's been in a boating accident of some sort-- my aquamarine trinket only has five fingers!!
I don't know what to do with this... but I was dying to show her off to you.
Bids start at $5.

Under the weather

I'm sick again...
I haven't really posted since before my Italy trip, which was amazing might I add. The reason being, however, that I got sick on day 2 of the trip and was still recovering like 2 weeks after. Now as of Sunday night, I'm sick again.
So I'd like to dedicate this blog posting to a letter to my immune system.

Dear immune system,

I realize you like to remind me of how weak you are lately, and I'm sorry for taking you for granted for about 95% of the year, but MAN UP!
Why so needy for attention now?
You're better than this. You've been through worse before.

I just got a flu shot for you, do your part!
On second thought, is this payback for getting the flu shot?
You have a week-- no make that 2 days-- to redeem yourself to your former hotshot status...
or else I'm calling for a doctor's appt.
your dissatisfied host

and I'm the biggest dork on the planet

Something strange in the neighborhood...

My reliant energy bill was $33.22 this month.
I'm speechless... and almost 100% sure this is inaccurate.

Upon further investigation, the back of my bill says the following:

"Please be aware that due to Hurricane Ike CenterPoint Energy customers will likely receive an estimated invoice this month. If the estimated amount is found to be different from what you used, the under or over billing for the estimated period will be corrected with the next actual reading obtained by the Transmission and Distribution Service Provider."

We've been so busy clearing tree limbs off power lines and avoiding electrocution that we couldn't send anyone out to check your meter. We basically chose a number between 1 and 100.
Your next bill might cause heart palpitations and/or induce nausea/vomiting.
It will probably be the largest sum of money you've ever paid us in the history of payments.
You might even want to think about selling a kidney on Craig's List... just a suggestion.
Unless you're still reading this by candlelight, then you really do only owe us $33.22 :P

Two truths & a Lie

In preparation for the Italy mission trip, why not devote a blog posting to ice breaker practice?...

There is a pirate pinata sitting in my living room. We refer to him as Captain Jack or cappy.
I've had a bug trapped under an overturned cup in my bathroom for a little over a week.
I've been watching "under the Tuscan Sun" nonstop to get myself pumped up.

I wish the lie was the middle one... I'm so grossed out by bugs.
Oh, and I can't even make it through the first five minutes of that movie let alone keep it on repeat in my dvd player.

My fave moment...


I'm so excited ...

I know it's a little premature, but I'm so excited about Austin's Trail of Lights at Zilker park.
Mark your calendars... that is not a request...
December 13th!

Damage Control...

Back corner of my mom's house had a little tree-age in the laundry room and on the roof... MINOR damage, though, which we are incredibly thankful for. Tree landed on the power lines to the house as well, but I am happy to inform the blogosphere that she does have power today... downed lines and all.

Out of control

I'm running out of circulating passwords.
For years, I've used a genius set of words for email or bank passwords, but now that I have a work email pw, log-on pw, and omnicell pw, I'm finding that my job is stifling my brilliance in the "recycling," if you will, of my pws. I can't reuse the old ones... even from a few rounds before... Blast!
I have too many combinations to keep track of now.
It's not so easy to just "retire" the unusable ones. I have a pw graveyard swimming around in my brain...

my next option is to use sections of the longest word in the dictionary.
Is it still antidisestablishmentarianism?

Are you ready for this?

Check this out...


so you think you can dance...

My brother sent me this footage early this morning.

What was he doing searching for me on YouTube?

quite the hallmark moment

Got a little visit from the hallmark ac co. fairy this morning for the 15 point inspection.
Translation: I've prepaid for some "expert" to come out and tell me something expensive is wrong with my ac unit.

Here's a bit of the sparkling conversation:
ac man: "do you normally keep it on 60 degrees?"
me: "what! no, is it on 60 degrees? "
ac man: "yeah, oh I must have bumped it to 60."
me (internally): do i look like i keep it on 60 degrees? do you see me bundled up in multiple blankets? yes, I keep it on 60 degrees and pay a ridiculous electric bill every month.

diagnosis time...
ac man: "so your evaporator coil has a leak it... it'll probably cost you around twenty-hundred something dollars"
me: "you mean two thousand dollars?"
me (internally): twenty-hundred? who says that.


I have been taking care of my neighbor's cat since the end of March...yes, March. A few days before my neighbor departed for her stint as an artist on Celebrity X cruises, she briefly left me a note that she would be leaving for 100 days. (only a few days before! wouldn't you need a little bit more warning than that?)

Assumption: you will be taking care of my cat while I'm gone.
You won't be going out of town for the summer.
You will be available to help me for a third of the calendar year...

Where the heck is my neighbor?
Any idea of when she will return has been thrown out the window.
My petsitter responsibilities have extended way beyond my 100 days at this point.
I don't know whether to file a missing person's report or put the cat up for adoption.

Anybody want a peanut?

I mini-vacationed to the Frio River last weekend with the Barkers.
Our first full day there, each of the women (four total) found peanuts (both shelled and unshelled) in our bags (five bags total).
The culprits... mice (well, really one mouse that we saw).
He hit the storage jackpot... four women who overpacked for a weekend trip.

ok computer

I said goodbye to an old friend last week... my pc took her last breath on the way to get her data backed up at Uncle Stan's office.
I had no idea she wouldn't even survive the ride over there, though.
She was unresescitatable.
Not one problem powering on and off for four years until she hears I'm replacing her with a younger model... a mac.

RIP dell.

Roach shock

Since I have a disgusting theme going with my postings, I inevitably must bring up roaches.

I just killed one in my shower tonight.
I also came pretty close to dry heaving in my shower tonight.
No, no I wasn't using it at the time thankfully.

What is it about killing roaches... or just roaches in general???
I have a physical reaction to these things...
so much so that I can't believe I don't live every moment in fear of my next encounter with one.

I repeatedly block out the emotional trauma post-slaughter.
It's like women forgetting labor pains in between popping out kids...

If you're gonna spew, spew into this...

I got puked on today... sick me out.

Under construction...

Pardon the interruption in aesthetically pleasing blog postings folks. I'm sick of my template and am in limbo on what to select... feel free to leave suggestions.

Meet Charles...

Turning 26 did have it's perks.
My mother introduced me to Charles.
She thought we'd get along nicely, and although I was skeptical at first, she was so right.
Charles has changed my morning routine forever.
In less than a minute, he can whip up a piping hot cup of gourmet coffee... or tea when you feel like it... or hot cocoa when the emotional breakdown warrants it.

Wait for it... wait for it...

Our apartment is lacking hot water again. Nothing like waking up to find the temperature of your water unable to rise above 75 degrees. We've been having trouble ever since this everlasting construction project started on our street.
To freshen up before the astros game or not to freshen up... that is the question...

Who knew David Hasselhoff broke into the hot water bottle industry!

Some I-10 Inspiration

Caught this treasure of a pic on the way back from Abby's shower.

your mom! ... I mean, my mom!

This handy little gadget was my mother's day gift to the woman who brought me into this world. I got her a purple one (not pictured). 

She loves it.
She now refers to walking as "shuffling" and makes this ridiculous shuffle impression on her tile floor. I was only in her presence for about half an hour, and she managed to include 4 cheesy "shuffle" references into conversation/ movements about the house. 

Her text to me tonight :
"Shuffling to Harry Connick Jr." 
"Um, I didn't have him on there"
  "It sure sounds like him" 

I've created a monster. 


random memory...

In fourth grade, our class had an assignment to create a costume representing a character/ theme from a book or maybe we were studying the Alamo (i can't remember)... basically, it was a fancy teacher's alternative to reading 22 poorly written essays.

I do remember, however, going as Davy Crockett. My dad made a "coon-skin" cap out of paper grocery sacks. It was awesome, and I did none of it...
well I finished coloring the already-traced fur patterns.

When I brought the "masterpiece" to school, my teacher just gazed at it. In awe and in comparison to all the other projects, she proclaimed mine was the kind of costume she was looking for.

Oh you know you all had that certain project you "worked" on...

Anyway, my mom has an Alamo coffee table book that mocks me with this memory everytime I pass it. And now I pass it on to you... 

Pleasantly Surprised

I'm not a huge Bethany enthusiast,
... and I must say it did take me a while to get over her statutory engagement to Shane,
... but this cd is worth downloading.

The Office

Super awkward convo at work this weekend...

Saturday, I was partially interrogated as to why I wasn't married, engaged, or dating anyone. The entire conversation was in a hallway and might as well have been projected on loud speaker.
I love Jesus, and I'm picky... to the world that might seem like a harsh combo.

No doubt this will not be my last "office" edition.

the spinster in training

Jesus is ALIVE!

Find five minutes to listen to this song today... or tomorrow

oh my gross

We had another infestation, thankfully not of roaches (insert dry heave here), but none the less bugs were found where they shouldn't be.

I won't be too graphic because I'd still like people to feel safe at our apartment, but I ended up filling two trash bags full of poor contaminated food. If it even looked contaminated, it went to the trash.

On a cleaner note, I picked up some Method sweeping cloths today. They're similar to swiffers and maybe not quite as amazing, but they get the job done. The great advantage.... They're compostable!!! Derived from 100% corn. So exciting! now if only I had a compost pile....
ok... I'm hitting "publish post" and then taking 2 or 3 showers...

MI: myspace

The usage of my neo account at TAMU for things just post graduation is proving to be a really bad decision on my part.
Reason being, my email account has since expired... completely inaccessible for useful things such as trying to cancel your myspace account. The confirmation "cancel" email is sent to neo. Blast!

I think my myspace profile will outlive me.


I've finished Captivating by John & Staci Eldredge.

Last night I hit p. 159 which leads me to the question:
Do women really get their husbands to pee sitting down?

Just wondering...


Monday was a super fun day to be at the apartment.

The construction had commenced, resembling what I can only liken to bombs going off every 10-20 seconds. The machine that makes polka-dots on the concrete by pounding into the pavement had a field day.
Our apartment shook so much I think it just started swaying back and forth...
I wish I was kidding.

Had we not done such a stellar job of hanging decor on our walls, pictures/plates would be missing from their rightful positions.

Yes, sound equalled annoying... but the shaking truly "rattled" the nerves of not only me, but also Miss Ashley.

She was THISCLOSE to pulling a "2 weeks notice" and shutting down the operation.
I, on the other hand, fled to Starbucks as soon as our driveway was unblocked. Does Starbuck's count as a coping mechanism?

I'll leave you with the visual of Ashley lying in front of a bulldozer-- "we will prevail!"

oh and I'm going to keep blogging about this until Abby feels bad for me. :P

Under Construction

Sometime like 1 week or so ago, pink decorative spray paint appeared all over Gaylord, the street I live on, literally like 20 feet away live on...
The paint, although I do love pink, said phrases like "saw cut" with big dramatic arrows pointing to concrete seams.
Oh wait, it gets better.
Last Friday, the giant orange barrels appeared in the grass across the street like football players watching from the sidelines.
The barrels are taunting us.
Still gets even better...
At one end of the street the sign "Road closed to thru traffic" with a suggested detour route...
the other end of the street... "20 MPH one way traffic" ...

Under the weather

Pardon my absence friends.

I caught something at work... pretty sure it was from work. Hospitals always manage to circulate the illnesses that suck the life out of you.
1 week later and finally I feel like I'm making progress.

Last night, out of desperation, I actually went to sleep with a cough drop in my mouth. I DO not recommend this for everyone due to the choking hazard, but it worked like a charm for me.

Everyone stop what you are doing right now and go take some Vitamin C.
That is not a request!

An Oldie but a Goodie

In the Super Bowl spirit yet??

27 dresses

Dear 27 Dresses,

Thank you for making me feel more single than ever.



PS: oh and thanks for reminding me of how much I love Elton John's greatest hits

I only write this half seriously... due to the fact I'm convinced all my audience of blog checkers are girls.

Get ready for Valentine's ...

a little venting...

Let me just take a moment to share the thermal experience of my apartment or rather my room... my arctic bedroom.

It has me convinced Air vent designers in the fifties were too busy for common sense, and/or they had stifled their creativity for so many years that the functional and practical placement of air vents just didn't even make a blip on their mental radars.
I say this because my bedroom vent is the last of all the vents to deliver air... farthest away from the unit, making for frigid winter nights and impossibly hot summer days. Such a large living space and only one 14 x 6 inch portal. come on...

I've actually lit candles in my bedroom for warmth.

I was just in Mitzi's bedroom, and it's a stinking sauna in there.
It's not even ten feet away.

I'm actually shivering as I type this.

You know those people who sleep with their doors open because they're scared at night... I'm sleeping with mine open in hopes the temperature in my room won't be ten degrees colder than the rest of the apartment.

Sleep Tight!

Rob and Big

my desperate attempt to redeem my blog after such a long period of inactivity...