In fourth grade, our class had an assignment to create a costume representing a character/ theme from a book or maybe we were studying the Alamo (i can't remember)... basically, it was a fancy teacher's alternative to reading 22 poorly written essays.
I do remember, however, going as Davy Crockett. My dad made a "coon-skin" cap out of paper grocery sacks. It was awesome, and I did none of it...
well I finished coloring the already-traced fur patterns.
When I brought the "masterpiece" to school, my teacher just gazed at it. In awe and in comparison to all the other projects, she proclaimed mine was the kind of costume she was looking for.
Oh you know you all had that certain project you "worked" on...
Anyway, my mom has an Alamo coffee table book that mocks me with this memory everytime I pass it. And now I pass it on to you...
Posted in:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
2:46 PM