10 Honest things

Not the most exciting of blog postings... but I'm just relieved I don't have to come up with 25.

and might i just add... Congress was able to pass an 800 billion dollar stimulus bill faster than I could come up with 10 honest things about myself... shady...

1. I'm selectively grossed out by feet. Sometimes I can't stand them, and sometimes I'm totally unaffected. 

2. I strongly dislike olives. They are always hiding in things and always catch me off-guard... kind of like roaches... yeah, that's right... I just equated olives with roaches, jealous??

3. I'm trying to marry off my roommates.

4. I wish more people would watch Friday Night Lights... NBC Friday nights. 

5. I try to avoid overhead lighting. My bedroom light hasn't worked for 4 years, and I haven't missed it one bit... also the reason some of my clothing doesn't quite match. 

6. I don't have a washer/dryer in my apartment.

7. I named my laptop "mighty B." I name inanimate objects. 

8. Words with too many P's freak me out. 

9. Since college, I've had increasing trouble with motion sickness. not fun. 

10. I was thisclose to choosing Rice over Texas A&M. 

11. PS... guess what happened to the one-armed fairy  (see previous blog)

finally legal:)

SNL Digital Short - Orchestral Doogie Howser

for as long as nbc lets this stay on youtube...


I'll blog sometime this week. I promise!