The Office

Darryl: Well see. In the gang world, we use something called fluffy fingers.
Michael: What's that?
Darryl: That's where somebody really gets up in your face, you just start tickling him.
Michael: Really?
Darryl: Yeah. And then he starts tickling you, and pretty soon you laughing and hugging... 'fore you know it, you've forgotten the whole thing, and you all can just go to church and get an ice cream cone.

Swine Season

Seeing as TCH is covered in swine flu, and I've had my fair share of unmasked exposure. I thought I'd just quickly look up the incubation period today on the internet... so my hypochondriac tendencies could kick in to full force.

I began my google search by typing, "how long does it take to get...", and the suggestions of what I was searching turned into quite the entertainment fest.

The following popped up:
How long does it take... get pregnant boil an egg get a six pack get weed out of your system get to the moon walk a mile digest food grow hair get to mars get abs

Try it sometime if you're bored.
oh and the inc. period is anywhere from 1 to 7 days.