Don't let the Bedbugs bite...
By the looks of this article, it seems that bedbugs are making a comeback. This is a subject very near and dear to my heart thanks to the first mattress I encountered at Texas A&M's Mosher Hall.
Since the beginning of my freshman fall semester, I had seen little bugs around my dorm bed/room (not a lot, just a few) which I thought were coming in through the window... I lived on the ground level. Finally, after finding numerous chewed holes in my sheets near the foot of my bed, I found (insert dry heave here) the little guys' source. Thankfully, they were not bedbugs, and I never, to my knowledge, had been bitten by anything. It took me, however, til Thanksgiving break week to figure out where they were coming from.
sick me out...
And how convenient is it that I stumbled across this article two days before I travel to Nashville??... where I will be sleeping in a hotel bed. Expect pictures of me inspecting my bed before slumber.
Sleep with one eye open. (I initially typed "I" instead of "eye" BTW) genius.
Posted in: on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at at 3:02 PM 1 comments