Under the weather

I'm sick again...
I haven't really posted since before my Italy trip, which was amazing might I add. The reason being, however, that I got sick on day 2 of the trip and was still recovering like 2 weeks after. Now as of Sunday night, I'm sick again.
So I'd like to dedicate this blog posting to a letter to my immune system.

Dear immune system,

I realize you like to remind me of how weak you are lately, and I'm sorry for taking you for granted for about 95% of the year, but MAN UP!
Why so needy for attention now?
You're better than this. You've been through worse before.

I just got a flu shot for you, do your part!
On second thought, is this payback for getting the flu shot?
You have a week-- no make that 2 days-- to redeem yourself to your former hotshot status...
or else I'm calling for a doctor's appt.
your dissatisfied host

and I'm the biggest dork on the planet


  1. Love it! I laughed outloud!

  2. Man up, Immune System!

  3. you are so funny Stephanie