I have officially upgraded to a blackberry. I have a month of internet access just to get the rebate (very sneaky T-Mobile), and I'm not sure I like being so available.
I used to get so excited when I got a text message... now I'm bracing myself for an email notification letting me know there's a sale at the apple store... not so exciting.
I apologize if you find yourself betrayed by this post... I guess I feel like I'm on technology overload. I do, however, LOVE the new keypad and personalized ringtone.
Which brings me to things that drive me crazy.... instrumental ringtones that emulate real songs.
The other day at work a parent's phone rang to the tune of Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl." It's a cute song, but all the while you wish the phone was playing the real thing.
Once again, this is just an opinion. If you love monotone ghetto ring tones, more power to ya.
Posted in: on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at at 12:14 PM