The Office

Super awkward convo at work this weekend...

Saturday, I was partially interrogated as to why I wasn't married, engaged, or dating anyone. The entire conversation was in a hallway and might as well have been projected on loud speaker.
I love Jesus, and I'm picky... to the world that might seem like a harsh combo.

No doubt this will not be my last "office" edition.

the spinster in training


  1. yes, yes i seem to have one of these conversations per day...only with 14 year olds.

  2. i told my students, when they asked why i was single, that my guy has to love jesus. day they saw an electrician working in the hallway and they went up to him and asked him if he was a christian. they then reported back to me that he was and that i should hook up with rudy the electrician. i had to share my hallway relatioship convo with you. :)

  3. Hi - i found your blog through Abby's blog. I used to get those quizzes from lots of office folks. I grew really weary of it - even my Christian co-workers jumped on the bandwagon. I wish I could say they'll eventually stop, but I can't, so I will just say I am sorry you have insensitive co-workers too!