"Fitting" room drama

I went shopping for a new wedding dress yesterday(the spectator kind), and definitely found myself alone in the dressing room with a dress stuck right around my shoulders. My female audience knows exactly what I'm talking about...

Typically, if shopping solo, these events can escalate from awkward to scary, fairly quickly.
With this most recent trip to the mall, I spent seconds debating whether I should wiggle my way out versus call out for help...all while trying to peer through an armhole in the mirror just in case there was an escape route via some opening in the dress I just wasn't finding.

Sure the sales rep had asked me if I needed help three times before I was stuck, but the second I'm about to calculate which seam can rip the fastest, she is no where to be found.

All that being said, I survived and am the owner of a new super-cute dress.


  1. Wait, did you buy the dress that tried to kill you, or a different one?

  2. different one

  3. oh my gosh. I've had that happen before. It's the scariest thing in the world because the last thing you want to do is ask the sales clerk for help. Like you don't know the right dress size or something.

    YES!! It's him!! I work with his sister-in-law. Now I bet that story is funnier....