Since I'm awake...

Something tells me this won't be the last time I get tagged...

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? Living it up as a Memorial Mustang... Spending 2+hours training in and out of the pool. Paid off ... got my fastest times that year. How disturbing is it that my sophomore year of high school was ten years ago...

2. What were you doing 5 years ago? Living at the Enclave in College Station with Emily and Kristin. I think that's the semester I met Miss Em K too.

3. What were you doing 1 year ago?Actually had just gotten my first job as an RN, which I still have. The Lord's timing was perfect. Thank you Jesus!

4. What did you do yesterday? Got a cute haircut and spent an hour trying to find and kill a transient roach in my room. Lots of squealing and nausea.

5. Snacks I enjoy ... Kashi stuff, reduced-fat wheat thins (i tend to eat half a box in one sitting), carbs

6. Things I would do with $100 million dollars ... where should I start ...give as much of it away as possible (church, missions, the expedition of I-10 construction), buy my neighbor a smaller car so she wouldn't park so close to me with her Clubwagon Van , pay off Lucy (my car), buy my mom a new house, pay for Mark's ginormous tuition, trade my job for something that gives me back my weekends, get a Golden retriever... travel everywhere.

7. Locations I would run to ... Blue Ridge Mountains, Belize, Higgins Lake, Michigan; Austin, TX lots more for sure

8. Bad habits I have ...overanalyzing, worrying, procrastinating, putting off sleep, eating half a box of reduced fat wheat thins (haven't done this one in quite some time), being super competitive (although that is a side I try to hide)

9. Things I like to do: Find new music, go to concerts, drink Coffee, read, watch Gilmore Girls, play with healthy kids, walk/run outside

10. Biggest joy of the moment: Anticipating spending some sweet time with Jesus in a few minutes:)


  1. oh, the enclave days :D remember the roommate dinner nights with george foreman? we loved our tiny, grilled pieces of chicken!